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Annual Conference sponsorship packages

We invite companies to sponsor the M25 Consortium’s Annual Conference. The conference is open to members and non-members and will be held on Zoom Webinar. These sponsor packages are for virtual activity and are therefore subject to change when we return to face-to-face events. Please direct any enquiries about sponsorship or the conference more generally to the Executive Manager.

£ 450 650 900
  Bronze Silver Gold (limited availability)
Name and logo on all publicity for the M25 conference 


✔ ✔
PDF of company leaflet emailed to all conference delegates  ✔ ✔ ✔
Acknowledgment by name in Chair’s welcome to the conference  ✔ ✔ ✔
Mentioned on M25 social media ✔ ✔
Receive a copy of the delegate list  ✔ ✔ ✔
No. of delegate places   ✔ 1 place ✔ 2 places ✔ 2 places
Short video on the website  ✔
Logo displayed at the start of the event  ✔ ✔
Named sponsor of the Conference Bursary – this bursary will support the attendance of one individual at the conference (enquire for details) ✔
Time slot in the conference programme (enquire for details) ✔